Business ICT Support
Supported Devices: Servers | PC Computers | Mac Computer | Laptops | Networking Devices
Our Business ICT Support is designed for primarily companies that are looking to out source the ICT roles of the company. in this case our company will play the role of a the full-time IT team, which includes Server Administrator, Network Engineer, ITC Technician, Database Manager, Web developer, PBX Technician among our supporting staff.
Service that can be access under our business support plans are as follows:
- Remote Support
- End-users Support
- Security Management
- Network Management
- Server Management
You can request a meeting to discuss Pricing and get a free evaluation of your ICT environment.
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Home Users ICT Support
Our comprehensive ICT Support Packages that are designed for home users come with a verity of services and features that will ensure that your computers and other devices protected. Home user are event more at risk as they visit more risky website and at times connect to public networks and use data drives that are that are sometimes used in multiple devices.
We have designed solution that will keep our home users protected while give them the freedom to browse and use their devices as they would normally do, just without the risk of comptonization.
Service that can be access under our business support plans are as follows:
- Remote Support
- End-users Support
- Network Configuration
- Help Button
- One Physical service per year.
Join 5,000+ Home users are happier, Our team handles all your ICT needs.
Join us and make your home a better place.
Remote ICT Support
Our Business Remote IT Support is cost effective and is designed to get IT problems resolved quicker then without any geographical restrictions. this server includes a wide range of features that can be access by both business and home users.
Our expert team is always online waiting to help you just about any queries that you or persons on your team or at home may have.
- Windows updates
- End-users Support
- Security Management
- Network Management
- Server Management
- Virus scans and removal
- Application installation and removal.
- For Quick Support Application No installation is required
The service can be paid for on our website our by wire transfer, PayPal is also supported.